Current Series

Morning Series

Wholehearted Mission

The book of Acts tells of the early days of the church as they start living as witnesses for Jesus. Empowered and equipped by the Spirit of Jesus, they took bold steps to declare the good news of Jesus. As we listen let’s consider where Jesus wants us to be His witnesses.

Evening Series

Life in the Spirit

Who are we? What are we to do? If God has done, through Jesus Christ, all of these amazing things described earlier in the letter to Rome, then what does it mean for each of us? We’re digging deep into Romans 8 where we find answers to these most fundamental questions.

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I was there . . .The Shepherd

5th Dec 10 - 9:30 am

Ian Ellershaw

Matthew 2:6 and Luke 2:8-21

Advent - getting ready for the coming King

28th Nov 10 - 9:30 am

Derek Burnside

Jesus' recipe for happiness - You have to make peace

21st Nov 10 - 6:30 pm

John Allan

Matthew 5:9

Samuel - Matters of the heart

21st Nov 10 - 9:30 am

Hannah Richards

1 Samuel 16:1-13

Jesus’ recipe for happiness - You have to seek purity

14th Nov 10 - 6:30 pm

John Allan

Matthew 5: 8

Samuel - the kingmaker: Whose will be done?

14th Nov 10 - 11:15 am

Pam Cousins

1 Samuel 13: 1-15

Jesus' recipe for happiness - you have to take pity

7th Nov 10 - 6:30 pm

John Allan

Matthew 5:7

Samule the kingmaker .... who is the king

31st Oct 10 - 9:30 am

Nick Goldsworthy

Samuel 8:1-22

Jesus' recipe for happiness: 'It's good to be hungry'

24th Oct 10 - 6:30 pm

John Allan

Matthew 5:6

Today - I'm Changing

24th Oct 10 - 9:30 am

Andy Gibson

2 Corinthians 3:18

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